God bless each and every one of you. We are so thankful for you, each of our partners, friends and spiritual family. This month has as always been awesome, as the Lord again surprised us through the things He enabled us to do as a team. We might never know the full effect of the lives that were touched, changed and encouraged! Let’s never get weary in well doing!

One of this month’s highlight was that we were able, together with three of our most dedicated Bible students from Sir Lowry’s Pass (two of whom are single mothers), to attend the Andrew Wommack conference, that was held two evenings in a row. The truth that we know, will set us free, and we look forward to the many more souls reached and liberated with the amazing Gospel of grace! We are now also teaching on a regular basis at the soup kitchen, brining new hope and encouragement to many.

Besides teaching at the kitchen, and giving weekly Bible classes, we also teach in a church in Sir Lowry’s Pass, and we hope to soon start Bible classes in Nomzamo, as we, through our visits to the day clinic where we pray for the sick, are fining ourselves leading more and more people to receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

The weekly feeding scheme we are supporting there is a big blessing to the many patients that come for their treatments and often wait for many hours.

When driving on our way somewhere Philip saw this elderly woman sitting in her wheelchair on the street. He stopped to pray for her and soon had her up walking! Praise the Lord!

A big THANK YOU goes to Leon’s Duck Farm for their substantial support.
The help always seems to come at a most needy time! We were able to distribute the duck drum sticks to many, if not most of the places that we assist regularly.

Items such as Dis-Chem supplies, which include nappies for the little ones,
Weet-Bix, fruits and veggies, meat, meaty bones, eggs, milk bread, etc. were provided
for the ECD centers and three soup kitchens as well as the feeding scheme in Nomzamo.

Although we seek to the best of our ability to see to it that none lack for their daily necessities,
supplies sometimes run very low, if not out. We want to take the opportunity here to thank Janine
who again assisted us and enabled us to do a big shopping for Mila and her angels!

We are also inspired to see the continued progress at Filea’s se Huis kitchen.
We look forward to the awning being completed.

We were also able to provide fencing materials for both the front and back yard as well as for Loueen, whose fence was stolen!

Joyce’s soup kitchen got a lot of fencing materials as well. Sad to say Sir Lowry’s Pass is not a very safe place to live and everyone is happy to secure themselves as well as possible.

This month we helped Salama get her cement floor tiled. This is something she has long desired,
and we were very happy to help get it done before the busy Christmas season sets in!
And as we shared in our last month’s news, her fencing got taken care of as well.

In closing we want to THANK ALL OF YOU. Together WE made it possible to share the Lord’s love is a tangible way, and these people will know that the Lord has loved and cared for them.
We hope the following words from Andrew Wommack’s book:
Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith will be a strength and encouragement to all.
With much love and appreciation,
Philip and Rita
NPO # 019-673 - 7137 Somerset West - Send us an Email