HIGHLIGHTS from 2018 from Force4Good!



In January of 2018 one of our biggest highlights was being able to enter the new year together with our two precious daughters, our three granddaughters and our son-in-law who live in Texas!


One of the biggest victories in February was starting up the online CBC (Charis Bible College) course for our students in Sir Lowry’s Pass that have gone through the basis courses with us.

MARCH 2018:

Besides enabling us to have and distribute many various supplies such as milk, food, personal hygiene products, empowering a family to start cultivating they small plot of land, etc. the Lord also enabled us to vastly improve our hospitality by providing new coffee mugs and thermos flasks!

APRIL 2018:

In April a new study group consisting of all new students was started up — and this group is still with us. Besides that 240 ducks (aprox. 300 kg of meat) was distributed, as well as aprox. 170 double sized Weet-Bix cereal packages, etc. along with more food hampers, clothing, and an empowerment project to get someone started running their own hair dressing salon in the village.

 MAY 2018:

Besides keeping up the Bible school on Monday nights, the leadership training on Tuesday nights, Wednesday nights teaching, as well as Thursday night’s teaching and making provision for everyone to be able to attend church on Sundays we again received a bakkie load of ducks that were distributed in the Sir Lowry’s Pass village and Nomzamo, as well as 100 liters of milk, more food hampers, lots of clothing, more Dis–Chem supplies, etc.

JUNE 2018:

Besides keeping up the Bible school on Monday nights, the leadership training on Tuesday nights, Wednesday nights teaching, as well as Thursday night’s teaching and making provision for everyone to be able to attend church on Sundays we again received a bakkie load of ducks that were distributed in the Sir Lowry’s Pass village and Nomzamo, as well as 100 liters of milk, more food hampers, lots of clothing, more Dis–Chem supplies, etc.

JULY 2018:

Reaching out to the unreached! We had a bog meeting at Emily’s Play School for people that are not part of our student groups. Approximately 70 were expected and  nearly 120 showed up. We
ministered to them about the Lord’s love and plan of salvation and demonstrated spirit-soul and body through a fun skit. Afterwards a delicious warm meal, tea, coffee and cakes were distributed!
Meanwhile 100 liters of milk, 14 large boxes (not packages) of Weet-Bix, many Dis-Chem supplies, clothing, etc was distributed and a family whose house had been flooded was assisted with sand and cement (to help raise the floor) as well as a “new” carpet.

AUGUST 2018:

We invited all our Bible students for a nice social gathering where we prepared a nice meals and arranged for everyone to be comfortably seated at a table, The aim was for everyone to get together to get to know each other better as a couple of new groups had been started up.

A lot of us also attended a Ladies Camp hosted by Gracelife! Besides that more milk, ducks, food, clothing, and Dis-Chem supplies were distributed, Praise the Lord for His amazing goodness!


Along with others Philip and I were honored to be appointed among the elders in Gracelife church. We are happy to be working closely with Grqacelife as we have learned and grown a lot.
Meanwhile all our study groups continued to progress, and milk, Weet-Bix, food hampers, lots and lots of duck liver, 25 liters cooking oil , toilet paper, etc, was distributed and we were assisted one of our students who is running a soup kitchen in her area for the neighborhood children. And we enjoyed inspiring teachers from abroad Ashley and Carlie Terradez who visited Graqcelife.


We had a three day outreach event in Sir Lowry’s Pass led by Gracelife. The aim was to not only reach out to more of the community, but to also help stir up and inspire our students there to do so through a fist hand sample. We had three very eventful days with people being healed, coming to Christ and learning and experiencing many new things. One of the evening we also handed out over 100 ready-made (by people from the village) meals.


We had a three day outreach event in Sir Lowry’s Pass led by Gracelife. The aim was to not only reach out to more of the community, but to also help stir up and inspire our students there to do so through a fist hand sample. We had three very eventful days with people being healed, coming to Christ and learning and experiencing many new things. One of the evening we also handed out over 100 ready-made (by people from the village) meals.


During December we had a nice Christmas braai for approx. 80 people. 20 Food Hampers and 20 food vouchers (of R 300 each) were distributed. We also made 150 party packs for the children for their year-end celebrations. Besides that we were able to empower someone by replacing all their lost tools that were stolen, distribute other food and clothing, and Philip and I were blessed to attend a Christmas lunch in Cape Town where we met one of the Charis Bible College instructors , Wendell Parr who was visiting here.

Newsletter December 2018


Dear Ones,
           We wish you all a very Happy New Year 2019! We trust that you have all enjoyed the holidays and are gearing up and ready for what the new year may bring. Your well-being, prosperity and fruitfulness in the coming year is in our prayers! Always remember that you are deeply loved and highly favored by the Lord Himself!
           Some, if not most of you, already received our update on the Christmas events, etc. on our end (repeated in the last part of this newsletter). We have filled in a bit more info here and separately from this we are writing up a brief summary of the year that went. We look back in awe at all that the Lord has done and the way the ministry has grown, and we look forward to what is in store for the year ahead. We have found that the key to our fruitfulness, happiness, etc. is maintaining a close relationship with the Lord. It is from Him that all good things flow. And His love is without partiality. He wants to bless, help and, strengthen everyone. We just need to come to Him!

Between Christmas and New Years (while classes were suspended) we showed the movie the War Room which contains some very good lessons on how to fight our battles the right way! In prayer!

Our movie night snack was some delicious ice cream cones, served here be Emily and Rita,

Our Gracelife church closed for a couple of weeks, so we held a local church meeting in Sir Lowry’s Pass. Emily made the needed announcements, we then showed a teaching by Barry Bennett on the Ministry of Jesus, specifically addressing prayer and the importance and need for prayer in our lives—which was an excellent follow-up on the movie the War Room. At the end we had an altar call as new people attended!

Besides getting food hampers and/or vouchers everyone received some nice rabbit meat for themselves and their families. We again thank Leon for his generosity and thoughtfulness! Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who blessed us with clothing among other things, to pass on. Always appreciated!

We also thank you, our partners for your support as it enabled us to replace W’s tools that were stolen!


Our students/disciples, and families (approximately 80 people) joined us for a festive celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior. We had reserved the night for an evening of fellowship and relaxation, so just shared a short Christmas story about the spirit of Christmas being the spirit of giving. We also expressed our love and appreciation of each one and the progress they have made through their study of the Word.

We have an amazing team that helped cook, serve and clean. We would never make it without them!

We had a nice braai and everyone mixed and mingled some sitting inside while others choose outdoors.


A BIG THANK YOU to SFA Sweetlands for their contribution towards Party Packs for the children as well as some of our precious friends from Sir Lowry’s Pass who readily volunteered their services in helping us put together approximately 150 Party Packs in time for Christmas for many of the children in Sir Lowry’s Pass.

Seen here is an example of one of the Party Packs.

Seen here are some of the children that attended the Christmas meal with their parents in Sir Lowry’s Pass!

A new ECD Center in Sir Lowry’s Pass whom we were referred to as they did not anything to give the children for Christmas, as they are new and just getting started.

Mila’s Angels—Sir Lowry’s Pass. — This is just a little glimpse as we are not able to show everything here.


We distributed 20 food hampers and 20 vouchers. The food hampers were to ensure that our gift went for food and not otherwise. Below is a photo of what each hamper contained! 

Here is a picture of the kitchen staff (although not all were present) whom we felt led to bless with a double portion as they work sacrificially and  tirelessly all year long for little or no pay.

Seen here are some of the happy recipients, space fails us in showing all but here’s a little glimpse!


We were also blessed to be invited for a Christmas lunch in Cape Town, where we met one of the instructors from the Charis Bible College in Colorado, Wendell Parr, along with some friends old and new. Below: Philip, Wendell Parr and me, Rita