Dear Ones,
Much love and appreciation to all of you for partnering with us and the important role you each play in all our accomplishments. We are blessed to have such an amazing teamwork and we are very happy with many changes and progress the work is going though. Thank you for your support and prayers!

This month we celebrated that another 17 students completed Rooted (basis discipleship course). This far approx. 70 people have completed the course with us and we know it is only the beginning.

We had a great celebration and delicious refreshment was being served. All rejoiced at the achievements!

The Gracelife Church Plant in Sir Lowry’s Pass is now a couple of months old. One Sunday we had 3 water baptisms and in almost every service we have had people giving their hearts to the Lord and/or getting filled with the Holy Spirit.
Here JB led everyone in a time of communion. We have had fruitful times of ministry after every services and children and adults alike have gotten healed, found jobs, etc. God is doing a great job in their hearts.

I taught one Sunday on Son-ship mentality vs. Slave mentality based on the text from Galatians 3:26-4:7.

To the far right Christiaan is leading the Dream Team (all the volunteers) in prayer before the service and giving words of encouragement as well as a time of sharing testimonies and/or asking for prayer!

We also want to compliment our Sunday School Staff. One particular mother only started coming to church because her daughters persuaded her to come as they wanted to attend the Sunday School classes. She has since become a regular attendee and is enjoying the services and all the love and attention.

We have a precious hospitality team presently being trained up. Here they are joyfully serving the guests.

Since the Church Plant we now run a course called Growth Track every Wednesday night. The aim is to help everyone get on track for greater growth and discipleship. There are four sections to the course: Find Freedom, Connect and Belong, Discover Your Purpose, and Make a Difference! All are welcome to attend!

One Wednesday night we had power cut, but in spite of that we ended up having one of the most powerful evenings as Christiaan led everyone in receiving the Holy Ghost and practicing speaking in tongues, which as it says in the Book of Jude builds us up and helps keep us in the love of God, give us rest (Isaiah), etc.

We like to end every gathering with a time of ministering. Here Christiaan and Philip are praying for people.
 We started a Skill Training workshop for unemployed women. The aim is to teach them to be able to generate income for themselves and their families. Next month they will be learning @ finances and budgeting.

These are some of the finished products that will be put up for sale! At the moment they are building stock.

Above: We thank Woolworths for their twice weekly contribution to Joyce’s Soup Kitchen. This week we were blessed with an unusual big amount of food. A real answer to prayer as there are many mouths to feed.

Once a month we receive 100 liters of milk which is distributed between Nomzamo and Sir Lowry’s Pass. Approx.300 children benefit from this contribution, from five different ECDs (Early Childhood Development).

This month we got a brand new washing machine for Mé. It was placed in the home of one of our volunteers who offered to wash, hang, and fold Mé’s laundry for her. Through the love of the Lord, drawing closer to Him through our teaching of the Word, church plant etc. we are seeing a beautiful community of believers develop who truly love and care for one another. The love of God is being spread abroad in many hearts!

We also donated some educational books (for adults) to the local library. We pray they will benefit many!

Here we are busy studying the “Lifestyle Foundations” by Carrie and Mike Pickett.

Here we are finishing our study on “Staying Full of God” by Andrew Wommack. We all learned a lot!

Philip prayed for this man at the market as he noticed he was limping from a sore knee. He was completely healed and the following week came to get Philip as he had somebody else for him to pray for. The market has really been more about ministry than fundraising for us and hundreds of devotional readings have been passed out to fellow traders over the years.I t used to be that they would come and ask for them if we forgot.

We were honored this month to again receive recognition from the Gordon’s Bay Business Forum as one of their local charities that are truly making a difference in assisting the needy. This is now the 2nd year for us.
We want to close by thanking you for your participation, time, interest, prayers, love and support!
With love and prayers,
Philip and Rita
For your convenience our details are as follows:
Antonios Michalitsis, FNB, Branch: 250655 Account no. : 62633037082
Rita Olsen, NedBank, Branch Code: 11414500 Account no.: 1043639810
or: PayPal.Me/fvsa or PayPal.Me/fvs
For those of you that are abroad and would like to contribute please be aware that besides PayPal there is also the SEPA option as we have an account in Europe:
Rita Olsen
Danske Bank
Branch: 1551
Account: 3719943470
IBAN DK28 3000 3719 9434 70