Dear family, friends, and partners, We would like to start out by saying that we are soooo very grateful to each of you for your love and support. To see the difference we can make together never fails to impress and inspire us. As the Lord works in and through us to raise us up to be so much more than we could ever be or dream on our own, many lives are being touched. As you will see, the Lord has called upon us to step in and assist the needy in even greater ways than before. And when we say “us” we mean ALL of us. You are each part of the team, and we each contribute in different ways, just like the body parts each have a different function. Some of us are the “hands-on” team, while others work behind the scenes and remain unseen. However, we want you to know that we recognize the very important part each of you has in accomplishing the task set before us. Thank you, and may you be mightily blessed!
 Working hand in hand with Lion’s Club in Gordon’s Bay has strengthened our efforts and has enabled us to do more than ever before. Through them ‘Ladles of Love’ (a charity located in Cape Town founded in 2014), it has started to assist our feeding scheme. Seen here is the first donation we “Force for Good” collected from them. About half to two-thirds of the supplies go to the feeding schemes we, Force4Good, are running. And it has given birth to two new projects this far: · Support group for HIV/AIDS-affected people. The first cooked meal was served out to 149 people. (This included single mothers and their children). · A newly started Soup Kitchen in Nomzamo. On the first day they served 150, but sadly had to turn 29 away as they did not have enough food. ‘Ladles of Love’ mainly provides starch and veggies. To get the support group running, we needed to buy them a 15-liter gas bottle that we will need to refill regularly. We also need to supply them with the needed: Cooking oil, protein, soya mince, bouillon cubes, etc. Whatever needs to be supplemented. And we assist in collecting the supplies from Cape Town as we take turns with other club members. · Besides that we also had just committed to assisting one of the Soup Houses for the children called ”Angels Kitchen”. And we are still keeping the... · Foodbank in Sir Lowry’s Pass restocked as the need arises. · Assisting the ECD centers. · Other Soup Houses · Joyce’s Soup kitchen, etc.
There is a saying that, “Where God guides He provides”. We had just left after meeting with the team taking on the Support Group Project, and had discussed all the items still needed to be able to run the project, one of the main ones being protein for all the meals. As we had just left our phone rang and some missionary friends from Cape Town called to let us know that they had just received a large amount of frozen off-cut meat and that if we could use it to please collect it right away. We received approximately 35 kg of frozen meat! Praise God!
Delivery to the Bright Star Soup Kitchen in Nomzamo, which, as mentioned earlier, ran out of food on the first day after having served 150meals and ended up turning away 29. They then turned to us and asked for assistance and we hope to fill the gap.

As seen in the photo above, we did a big shopping for the Angels’ Soup House. They were running short on the needed supplies and turned to us for help. They also provide hot porridge in the morning at around 7 pm before the children go to school. God bless them! 

This month we were also asked by Mila’s Soup House for some extra assistance. God bless these dear ladies who have a big heart for the village's children and work hard to keep them well fed! In the photo below, Philip is shopping for them. At Easter, we were blessed with three boxes of Easter eggs distributed in different places in the village.


We were very blessed to receive extra bread, etc., from Lion’s Club at the beginning of the month. This enabled us to also assist families in Rimvaasmark in Sir Lowry’s Pass, as well as The kitchens, ECD centers, and Soup House we usually help!



The milk, the Weet-Bix, the Woolworth's food, and some additional supplies were distributed in Sir Lowry’s Pass and Nomzamo during April!
We also donated some nice clothing, cooking oil, sauces, spices, etc. which were again distributed in SLP and Nomzamo! GRACELIFE: People registering, sanitizing, etc. in preparation to attend church.
 Philip teaching on what it means to “Walk in the Spirit”.
 A couple of the ladies distributing Easter eggs outside the church after the service.
 Our Dreamteam closing off the early morning meeting with a bang, all raising our hands in unison to indicate that we are ready to move into action as a team to set up for the service, etc.
 Lucy teaches the children and afterward leads them all in prayer to receive the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
 Here most of our Kids’ Church teachers meet together after one of the Sunday services to plan, share lessons and ideas on improving, work closer together, etc.
TESTIMONIES! · What God has done for us through Jesus Christ we can never repay with good deeds or undo with a bad attitude. He makes it so easy for us just receive His grace with a humble heart and believe and be thankful for God's love and forgiveness. As a child of God, His Godly Spirit is within us, which will renew our minds and hearts. Thank You Father, all the praise and glory unto You. · Through You O Lord, my sins are forgiven...Thank you for that. I don't need to do anything to gain Your Forgiveness...And that You only wants the best for me ...even though I came short of the Glory of God sometimes, but Your Love never changes ... Thank you, Lord! · Very true if we will recognize that only by the grace of God can we accomplish anything of lasting value that puts us into a position of strength. · Thank you, Lord, for your grace that helps us in time of need and strengthens us. Your grace empowers us to live above our circumstances and persecution of this life to fulfill God's will. Amen! Awesome to be free from all the condemnation of my past and that l don't have to atone for my sin. Thank you, Jesus, for Your free gift of eternal life and salvation. Such freedom to know that l can just repent of my sin and believe in what Jesus has done through His death, burial, and Resurrection and cleansing from sin. Awesome truth, and l got saved.
There are many more inspiring reactions to the word and testimonies to share, but time and space fail us in reporting it all.
Much love,
Philip and Rita
And if you are new to our work and would like to partner with us on a monthly basis, we invite you to please contact us for further details. We look forward to hearing from you! |