Dear Ones,
We trust that you have all celebrated a beautiful and meaningful Easter, one of the most important holidays as we remember the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Had He not risen neither would we! —
 We had planned to celebrate with an outdoor picnic, but it happened to rain and so our team quickly improvised and spread out blankets on the floor inside and set out a few chairs. Everybody who was able contributed some food and and at the end of the celebration Easter Eggs were handed out to all the children that attended.
 Our sweet ladies served out a plate of hot food accompanied by the traditional hot cross bun and a great time was had by all!
 On a different day Philip delivered a powerful message on the five-fold ministry and why we need the church and can’t do the job alone, one of the reasons we all need to be part of the local church!
 We have some very inspiring spirit-filled times of untied worship!

 AT ECD (Early Childhood Development) CENTERS: TOM'S LITTLE ANGELS:

 14 large boxes of Weet-Bix (as seen here) were distributed in Nomzamo and Sir Lowry’s Pass! Praise the Lord! NOMZAMO:

 This month 100 liters of milk was distributed between Nomzamo (seen here) and Sir Lowry’s Pass.
 Seen above is Philip shopping soup bones for the Angels’ Soup Kitchen and other supplies for the Easter meal celebration in Sir Lowry’s Pass. Philip cooked a nice one-pot meal!
 Seen above are some of the supplies donated to Angels’ Soup Kitchen in Sir Lowry’s Pass.  In the pot are 10 liters of milk! (100 were distributed in all).
 We are extremely thankful for the many loads of bread and pizza-bases distributed monthly—sometimes several a week between Nomzamo and Sir Lowry’s Pass. Innumerable people are being fed and encouraged!
 Innumerable people are greatly helped by the generous donation of bread and pizza-bases donated by the Lions weekly-and sometimes several loads a week. Still some kitchens are taking turns receiving!
  This is one of the kitchen that gets a weekly delivery of pizza bases/bread!
 One of our Soup Mothers (the one that also run the 'Angels' Kitchen') heard of a “remote” neglected area in Sir Lowry’s Pass. So she got a hold of a wheelbarrow and loaded her hot pot of soup and pizza bases and went and saw to it that the little ones were fed that day. By the way she is keeping this up on a regular basis). We are very proud of her and others like her who serve the community very faithfully and selflessly. FOOD HAMPER:
 The family seen here is one of the poorest that we know of. So for Eater the Lord laid it on our hearts to bless them with a nice big food hamper. We are also seeking ways for them to be self-sustaining. BRIGHT STARS:

 Seen in the photos above is the food shopping we did this month. The need is great and although the lock-down is over people are still struggling and very dependent on help. WOOLWORTHS:
 At the very beginning of the month and then again at the end we received two extraordinary big loads of food from Woolworth’s for which we are very thankful. This all goes to assist Joyce’ Kitchen in Sir Lowry’s Pass! We assist Joyce in collecting once a week, however, she now receives from different outlets six times a week. Praise the Lord for that as it mainly consists of fresh produce which is very needed.
 FREEDOM CONFERENCE: On Freedom Day we attended a conference led by Shayne and Marna (our lead pastors), reminding us our true freedom in Christ and to always bear in mind our union with Him.
 LEADERSHIP MEETING: A few days later we had a leadership meeting where we were challenged to hear from the Lord for each other and the general direction of the church! OUTREACH IN SIR LOWRY'S PASS:
 OUTREACH: A team from the States visited us and we had a big united effort to reach the unreached in Sir Lowry’s Pass. At the end we gathered together again to share testimonies and victories won! LADIES' HIGH TEA:
 HIGH TEA: After the morning outreach we had an afternoon ladies High Tea. We had several guest speakers and some ladies told us the day after how blessed they were to have attend.
 RONDEBOSCH: One of the newest Gracelife campuses was opened in Rondebosch and we met there with the team from abroad on their last night here. They each shared testimonies of how their lives have been impacted by the gospel as well as valuable lessons learned. Before closing we had a time of prayer where anyone needing prayer for healing or whatever was invited to come up for prayer!
All of the events mentioned here: The Freedom Conference, the Leadership Meeting, the SLP Outreach, the Ladies High Tea, the service in Rondebosch, etc. were arranged by our lead pastor Shayne and team. We also had a team of guests visiting from the Jesus’ Church in the States and so tried to get as much time with them as possible, mainly receiving a lot of input and wonderful fellowship!
PS: Time and space fails us to mention all that was done this month. Souls were led to the Lord, LifeGroups (Bible studies) were held, prayers for needy individuals, counseling etc. took place as well. ALL of this is made possible through your faithful partnership! We (Philip and I) are not doing this work alone, but through an amazing network of selfless. loving and caring individuals such as yourselves, our precious partners, spiritual leaders, friends, and prayer warriors, etc. Thank you so much for making it all possible!
 We would like to honor the Lord as we look at all that has been accomplished and all that we were blessed to partake of this month. A truly fruitful life for a tree is only possible if there first is a strong root system. So likewise with us in our walk with the Lord. In Ephesians 3:17 the apostle Paul is praying that we will be rooted and grounded in love. 1John 4:8 tells us that God is love, and John 1:14 tells us that the Word was made flesh and that He (Jesus) dwelt among us. In other word to be rooted in love is to be rooted in the Word, which is Jesus. In other words we need to know what Jesus taught and we need to know whom we have believed. If you feel in need of strengthening and guidance, and would like to receive our daily devotions which we send out Monday-Friday via What's Up pleases feel free to contact us. The aim of our daily devotionals is spiritual training and strengthening. -- We look forward to hearing from you and would be honored to add you to our ever-growing list. Jeremiah 9:23-324 NKJV says, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord. CONTACT DETAILS: Antonios Michalitsis, FNB, Branch: 200912 Account no. : 62633037082 Rita Olsen, NedBank, Branch Code: 114145 Account no.: 1043639810 PayPal:
For those of you that are abroad and would like to contribute please be aware that besides PayPal there is also the SEPA option as we have an account in Europe: Rita Olsen Danske Bank Branch: 1551 Account: 3719943470 IBAN DK28 3000 3719 9434 70 SWIFT: DABADKKK
And if you are new to our work and would like to partner with us on a monthly basis we invite you to please contact us for further details. We look forward to hearing from you.