1. The Encounter Meeting 2. Bible Studies 3. Street Outreach 4. Tracts 5. The Vinyard Church 6. Women's Club 7. Personal
 Here is Philip teaching at the Encounter Meeting. Philip taught on John 15 and had group discussion questions to challenge everyone to get involved and find personal application. Sadly the Encounter Meetings had to be temporarily closed down. Meanwhile we have been asked to stand in the gap by hosting weekly Bible studies in our home which we are very happy to do.

 Photo # 1: When A, arrived at our Bible study she was in pain—headaches, neck and shoulders as well as her heart. Philip reassured her that he would pray for her but suggested that we first spend time together in the Word. By the time we finished all A’s pain was gone and she didn’t need prayer! Praise the Lord for the healing power of His Word! Photo # 2 K. came to us and stayed over 3 hours. She was very broken and in need of lots of ministry. Her boyfriend had ended his life 8 weeks ago and not really knowing the Lord and His love she was under a lot of guilt and condemnation. Photo # 3. J. a very precious friend from Iceland was coming over every Monday for the last couple of months or so. He left for Iceland as he want to study to become a doctor but did not find and opportunity here. However, the day before he left he received news that he passed an entrance exam so he might return!

 Reaching out to people on the walking street in Odense. We will be looking for a suitable place there for us to meet weekly, with people from our church as well as new people being reached. In the 2nd photo above Philip is distributing tracts (Ukrainian on one side and Russian on the other) — at least one new one a month, sometimes more! TRACTS:
 We have been working on producing a variety of tracts to use in our street outreach. We have produced one brand new tract on “Does God Exist?” a very current question for many here. Other tracts were produces while we were in South Africa, and we are now working on translating some on a variety of subjects into Danish. As seen! WOMEN'S CLUB:
 Every Friday night there’s a Women’s Club meeting in the mall by our house. As the name of the meeting indicates it is exclusively for women. For that reason I have started attending these meeting on my own. They are very informative as far as knowing what activities, courses, etc. are made available to help the foreign community. As you can see here it is mainly people from Arab nations attending. I made real good friends with someone from Iran and am looking forward to her in a couple of weeks when she returns from Copenhagen. Meanwhile we have also been getting together with our dear friend from Lebanon. She opened her heart about how she has to be extremely careful about what she says to whom due to the various Muslim fractions present. We shared how we as Christians likewise need to be careful as a dear friend has received threats due to his beliefs. THE VINYARD CHURCH:
 We really appreciate the custom our new church here has of eating lunch together at the end of every Sunday service. It makes it so nice and easy to get to know each other and form more friendships as we don’t seek to quickly get out the door but have some nice incentive for staying to fellowship...and having had a worm meal means that we don’t have to cook at home on a Sunday. Philip now helps out regularly at the bar selling juices, etc, and I take regular turns translating the Danish sermons into English!
 This month we celebrated Philip’s birthday. We took the bus to a nearby city located on the coast. We found a restaurant right by the water and enjoyed some delicious sandwiches! FOR THE NOTICEBOARD:
 The Vinyard church produced this poster to advertise our Bible studies. It will be on the church's billboard! TESTIMONY: OUTSTANDING NEWS: This is a most glorious PRAISE REPORT! For almost two years we have been fighting in prayer for and with our precious South African friend S. She was diagnosed first with colon cancer, then cancer of the lungs and lastly cancer of the brain. The two different types of chemo did not work, and it was now suggested that she undergo radiation. S. went through so much suffering in vain from these treatments. However she never let go of her faith and would call upon us and other friends when she needed a special boost. She also went to prayer/healing meetings and the last time she went she was completely delivered and healed. She is no pain free and able to fully function. Praise the Lord! CONTACT DETAILS: Email: force4good.fvs@gmail. com flame1950@gmail.com Please remember our new details are as follows: PayPal: force4good.fvs@gmail.com | |