Download the September News Letter 2012 in PDF  

Dear Friends and parteners

Thank you so much for all your support and for upholding us in your prayers. This month the Lord enabled us to assist 4 Day-cares with new clothes and shoes for the children. There was also Dis-Chem supplies for all, a large box Weet-Bix, and our dear friend, Junho, who himself is a student here, and who has now worked closely with us for several months, supplied a month’s worth of breakfast cereals and milk for 2 of the Day-cares prior to us receiving the Weet-Bix. Photos: # 1: Soup Kitchen; # 2: Lathi-Tha; # 3: Mila’s Angels; # 4 & 5: Sunshine Kids; # 6: Lathi-Tha - all located in Sir Lowry’s Pass village. — We are in need of your help to make this year’s Christmas a special event. Some that helped last year are not able to assist again. If you would like to help, please see the following pages for further details.

Specific Needs for Christmas

With Christmas fast approaching we are now faced with the challenge of bringing some Christmas cheer to this impoverished community. We would like to set before them a nice Christmas meal. For this we will need:

10 boxes of quarter leg chicken
30 kg mince
20 kg rice or 30 kg pasta
Red and green veggies
100 ltr. Juice
Desert, etc.

This year there are about 10 fulltime volunteers at the soup kitchen. These women work long hours for little or no pay. For Christmas we would like to be able to offer them a nice food hamper for them and their families. Almost anything would be welcome for this purpose. Some suggestions are:

I whole chicken per family

2-3 kg of either: rice, pasta or potatoes

Canned goods


Millie meal

Cooking oil


Fruits and veggies

Tea and coffee

Etc, etc.

Besides the volunteers there are approx. 15-20 sick and elderly that we would like to offer a hamper to as well, consisting of some of the same items as listed above.

How can you HELP?
`If you would like to help you can either do so via donations (you can specify how you would want it used), or you can already start contributing with non perishable foods that we will set aside for this purpose. All donors will receive a special picture page of the event and distribution of the hampers. We will also highlight your name and business in our January newsletter, should you so desire.

You can write at: