Dear friends, partners and supporters,
Thank you for your support and prayers. Due to our wonderful teamwork with each other more wonderful progress was made this month in preaching the Gospel, making disciples and helping the poor in various ways such as improving homes, helping with supplies such as food and clothing, etc.
Pictured below is the state of the walls of one of the shacks in Sir Lowry’s Pass. As seen some places had nothing more than a plastic bag shielding the home from wind and rain. Three walls have now been replaced with prefab metal corrugated plates and rhino boards were put up as inner walls.The walls still need to be painted and concrete floors to be laid as there presently is no flooring in these bedrooms.
Seen here are one of the new outer walls.
Outside walls being delivered.
This was the state of some of the inner walls which now have been replaced with new rhino boards.
Pictured here, above and below, are the two bedrooms that were redone.
We want to THANK Antalis for meeting our request for assistance with paper in a most generous way. The paper was distributed 11 ways. 6 ECD (Early Childhood Development) centers, church: office and Sunday school, as well as 4 charities. The paper was received with great joy and appreciation!
As mentioned 6 ECD centers received paper. Pictured below are a few of them.
Emily's Play School in Sir Lowry's Pass:
Ouma Henna got a much desired front door. It will not only improve her security but also bring protection from the weather.
One morning we received a message at 5:30 in the morning asking for help from a young unemployed man who had just become a father. He wanted to visit his wife and see the baby still at the hospital. These new parents were basically in need of everything and we were privileged to be able to buy a basic first wardrobe for baby!
A huge THANK you to Leon’s Duck Farm for time and again filling our bakkie with ducks. This is meeting a big need and ducks were distributed to 6 ECD centers, 4 soup kitchens (one of them a newly opened by one of our Bible students,a disciples, who is motivated to reach out and do good. With your help we presently supply the food for this kitchen and approximately 30 kids are being fed daily through the initiative). Also 30-40 underprivileged Bible students living in Sir Lowry's Pass received ducks. We also helped other missionary centers (charities) who were needy. Besides food we also helped supply the main soup kitchen with cooking gas this month.
Emily's Play School Sir Lowry's Pass:
Beacon of Hope Kids'Kitchen Sir Lowry's Pass:
Joyce's Soup Kitchen Sir Lowry's Pass:
At this monthly event only the students from Sir Lowry’s Pass were present (except a couple of precious helpers, May and Romina, from Gracelife). Philip taught on and emphasized love and unity, bringing out how no one is of this or that group, but that we are all one in Christ. — Rita led communion and briefly touched on some of the biblical covenants.
Several people were in need of healing. Here Philip is praying for one of the ladies.
Some of the ladies attending helped us prepare a delicious hot meal of rice and chicken in a delicious mixed vegetable sauce. And besides making sandwiches Romina also helped prepare a big fruit salad that was served out as desert.
Below Philip is seen teaching and leading our weekly fellowship in Sir Lowry’s Pass! We teach two different groups on Mondays, Tuesday – Thursday we teach one class per night. Besides that we have also started ministering separately to a couple that, although they are Christians, know little or nothing about the Bible. We first taught on Identity but will be switching over to Rooted in order to lay a good basic foundation.
Pictured below is Romina as she is taking a turn teaching some of our students. Most of these students will soon be ready to graduate from the basic course and we are proud of them for their hunger for the Word and diligence to attend the classes.

Below Rita is teaching on the book of Ephesians establishing our identity in Christ and the resultant fruit we will bear.
We want to send a BIG THANK YOU to our precious Gracelife family for all the shoes, clothing, blankets, etc that have been donated for our Sir Lowry’s Pass family. We have 3 different homes that take care of the distribution. Please know that everything is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your love & concern!
A special THANK YOU to one of our Gracelife members who indirectly made it possible for us to receive 3 boxes of rice-soy fortified meals. There is a constant need for the basics such as food! THANK YOU! Each box contains 36 bags with 6 portions in each!