Dear Ones,
We would like to express our deep gratitude to each of you, our partners, supporters, friends, and family. It is an honor for us to be working together with such amazing and wonderful people. We would not be able to do this work without you backing us up. We pray that you will each be mightily blessed and that you will stay safe and encouraged during these times. Thank you so much for your continued love, support, and concern for others. We love and
appreciate you.

We thank our donor for the monthly contribution of 100 liters of
milk to our ministry. The milk was shared between 5 places in
Nomzamo and Sir Lowry’s Pass.


We did a large shopping for the Angels’ Kitchen in Sir
Lowry’s Pass. They serve approximately 300 meals a week to the
children of their immediate neighborhood.


We also did a large shopping for Bright Stars’ Kitchen in Nomzamo, which serves between 2-300 meals a DAY! Without the help and support of each of you, we would not be able to keep this going. Thank you!


We are supporting a ministry to the HIV/Aids affected people. It is
based out of Joyce’s Soup Kitchen and serves this group a hot meal
twice weekly, approximately 300 meals weekly. Above is seen this
month’s food shopping and gas bottle refill! We again thank
each of you our faithful partners!


We have been supporting Joyce’s Soup Kitchen for many years. One of the ways which were to establish contact with Woolworths to collect weekly donations of food. We are happy to report that we this month were invited to also start collecting from a new store Woolworths store recently opened in Strand. The photo above shows the first pick-up we did. This was very large due to it being their first few days of having opened. And although it has not continued to be this
much is is an added help for which we are very grateful.


We received 14 large boxes of Weet-Bix, which were distributed in
Nomzamo and Sir Lowry’s Pass. We again thank our donors and
everyone facilitating the ministry.


We want to thank GB Lion’s Club for the tremendous help and the blessing they are to our ministry in so many ways, one of which is
the weekly very generous contribution of bread and pizza bases.

Above: Prayer meeting with our Gracelife Family.
Below: Rita leading one of our Bible study groups.

· Wow, we serve an amazing God that really wants us to have wisdom. And what stood out for me is that His wisdom is everywhere and it's even shouting from the housetops and every street corner.
How much does God want us to have wisdom...Thank you Jesus that you have given us permission to ask for wisdom should we lack it. We
ask wisdom from you in Jesus Name Amen
· Amen it's better to follow the Words standard instead of the world's standard. It is indeed when we turn to God's reproof that
He will pour out his spirit unto us, and He will make his words known unto us. Amen, the Lord knows when we repenting and want out of our messes. We are so blessed to have this Gracious Father that forgives us when we truly seek Him with all our heart.
This whole book really blesses me and helps me a lot to not just
read it but to look into my life and change. Thank you, Jesus that
we can seek and You and find You when we shall search for You with
all our heart. Your promises are true. You are a faithful God.
Great are You, Lord. Thank You for Your Word. Amen
· That's is true they refuse when the Lord calls them, but if
there is a problem, they say God is not seeing us, but it’s their
choice, they don't fear the Lord. Therefore shall they eat of the
fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices They
hated knowledge and deliberately and chose not to fear the Lord.
Yes, Amen, the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us who have entered into the New covenant that's not based on our performance.
Praise God for Jesus and the New Covenant we live under. True faith in Jesus, the Lord, will never leave us nor forsake us. Amen
· Amen and amen!! This s wisdom! May the Lord help me to be a
consistent tither in his house.
· These messages are so powerful! This s the wisdom needed in this world because we are going astray! May the Lord help us more
and more!
· Oh wow! This is very true! In order to reap, we must be attentive to the word of God! Blessed be the Name of Jesus
· Amen! God is good and loves us very much. He doesn't want to
leave us the way w is, He wants us to prosper in life. Our faith
in Him will measure our blessings. Give unto His Kingdom
wholeheartedly and your life will overflow with joy.
· Amen!! God never intended for us to operate on our own
(Jeremiah 10:23).We only have to believe that He won't leave or
forsake us, for without our Lord we're nothing. Keep your eyes on
Him and your faith in God.
· Acknowledging God is recognizing the fact of God's existence
and yielding to His authority in every area of our lives. It is
awesome to know that God never intended for us to operate on our
· Very true God loves us regardless of who we are and we do .
He doesn't but evil things to us. He gives us his word to correct
us and make us perfect. God is love. Amen.
· Amen and amen! God first in every aspect of our lives. He
deserves the best no leftovers. Thank You Lord that you give us
life, help us to always remember You in everything, and put You
first. Amen
· Wow very powerful! Big Amen. True it is better to have
wisdom than silver or gold.
· What stood out for me this morning is how the writer just
making us aware of where we need to put our trust in. How we gain
wisdom in God through His word. Trusting in the Lord with all our
heart and not lean on our own understanding. The eyes are fixed on
God the Author and finisher of our faith.
· Writing the truths of God's word upon our hearts. Embracing
God's truth of the word. And you shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free. John 8:32. Speaking God's word over
yourself and our situation. Believing it and thanking God that it
will come to pass is. Awesome truth you share.
All of these accomplishments listed here are due to our united
efforts. We want to thank you for being an indispensable part of
the team.
For easy access to our contact details, please see below:
Michalitsis, FNB, Branch: 200912 Account no. : 62633037082
Olsen, NedBank, Branch Code: 114145 Account no.: 1043639810
For those of you that are abroad and would like to contribute
please be aware that besides PayPal there is also the SEPA option
as we have an account in Europe:
DK28 3000 3719 9434 70
And if you
are new to our work and would like to partner with us monthly we invite you to please contact us for further details. We
look forward to hearing from you.