Ones, We want to THANK each and every one of you for partnering with, supporting, and
encouraging our ministry. We are seeking to emulate Jesus in ministering to
others: spirit, soul, and body! (1 Thess. 5:23).
We have recently started making an intentional effort to reach Nomzamo
with the gospel. We go once a week to minister to the people who gather
outside the Bright Stars soup kitchen. As mentioned earlier we try to
follow our ministry up by handing out tracts for the people to take home
so they can read and remember the subject we taught. On our last visit,
we taught on Spirit, Soul, and Body. We produced a small tract (see
below), based on 1 Thess. 5:23, which we distributed to everyone present
before leaving. Man shall not live by bread alone! (Matthew 4: 4).


Philip teaching on 'As I Have Loved You!'

Philip praying for a family at a child's dedication to the Lord.

Here Rita is teaching on 'Types and shadows vs. spiritual realities.'

Philip teaching on the subject of 'Acknowledging every good thing in you.'
Philemon 1:6

Rita teaching on Life Foundations, coving subjects such as
'Understanding: God's love for you; Your spiritual make-up; How God sees
you; Your identity in Christ; the true nature of God; and Your spiritual

Rita teaching our "new" Bible study group in Nomzamo. We were
initially given 15 minutes, but they asked us to please come earlier so
they could have more time for the Word and prayer. Praise the Lord!
We are so happy for such a hunger and desire for the Word.

The Food Bank, located in Sir: Lowry's Pass, is usually replenished
once a month (as seen here), We also bring pizza bases and bread weekly.

Bright Stars Kitchen, located in Nomzamo, served 5584 hot meals (+ 300
meals a day 5 days a week.) You, our partners and supporters were
instrumental in making this possible. Thank you so much!

During this month, 5584 hot meals were served out of this kitchen!


The 'Angel's Kitchen', located in Sir Lowry's Pass, served 12017 hot
meals to the children of the immediate neighborhood. Once a month we
deliver a truckload of food like this, besides pizza bases and bread

Besides the supplies above we also brought a box of Zee Paste (peanut
butter sachets) and 2 sacks of chicken soup packs and chicken chunks.

This kitchen served 1202 hot meals this month to the children in their
immediate neighborhood.


We support a hot meal twice weekly feeding scheme for the HIV/Aids
victims of the Sir Lowry's Pass village. This project provided 1114 families
(not individuals) this week. Again, bread and pizza bases were
supplied when available.


Twice weekly, we receive assistance for Joyce's Soup Kitchen in Sir Lowry's
Pass from Woolworths. Here Philip is seen collecting the food. The photo
below is of the delivery to the kitchen!

Woolworths has recently turned the oversight of their charities over to
FoodForward SA. Seen here is our office set up in the Woolworths' yard as
we are now required to categorize and weigh everything!

We want to thank and acknowledge Lions, Gordon's Bay, for their support
in so many ways, not only in the form of the regular supply of bread and
pizza bases which feeds many mouths and has not been accounted for in the
number of meals provided to the needy.

Delivering to the Angels' Kitchen in Sir Lowry's Pass!

Delivering to the Food Bank in Sir Lowry's Pass!

We supply bread and pizza bases to this kitchen every week. A very
welcome supplement to the food served!

The milk was distributed in Nomzamo and Sir Lowry's Pass!

We were able to replace a broken toilet, which may seem small for us, but
was a big blessing for the family on the receiving end.

A special shout out to Lions Gordon's Bay for having supplies 4 people
from Sir Lowry's Pass with a set of glasses. The gift of sight!

We want to praise the Lord for the people He has placed in our lives to
give us training, input, along with the encouragement to keep up the good
work and keep on keeping on for Jesus! :) :) :)

There are no self-made people in this world. We are all the product of
other people's input and the result of our personal choices and what we
have chosen to give ourselves to. We give thanks for all the people the
Lord has placed in our lives that have helped bring us to where we are
today. Not that we have arrived by any means. But we are far better off
now than when we first started out. Praise God!
In closing, we again want to THANK those of you that are already
partnering with us. As is clearly visible the need is great. Therefore we
would like to invite anyone who is reading this and who is not yet
partnering with us to please do so. Our aim is the minister to the whole
man: spirit, soul, and body.
If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us.
With warm regards,
Philip and Rita
Our contact details are as follows:
Antonios Michalitsis, FNB, Branch: 200912
Account no. : 62633037082
Rita Olsen, Nedbank, Branch Code: 114145
Account no.: 1043639810
For those of you that are abroad and
would like to contribute, please be aware that besides PayPal, there is
also the SEPA option as we have an account in Europe:
Rita Olsen
Danske Bank
Branch: 1551
Account: 3719943470
IBAN DK28 3000 3719 9434 70